Hello pals, let's take a moment to talk about anxiety! While I am aware that many people do not suffer from this nagging internal dialogue that makes every decision difficult- there are many of you that do. For me- this voice becomes louder when I schedule something new, like a yoga class. In fact, I have spent HUNDREDS of dollars buying class passes on Mindbody that I never got the courage to actually go to. I have even sat in parking lots outside of studios, and still missed the class- I just couldn't go in.
None of this is to make you feel sorry, or worried for me (trust me, I manage very well nowadays)- it is instead to let you know that I see you, and I understand. Coming to a new studio is hard- REALLY HARD. Coming as a new practitioner of yoga is even harder. I am hoping that this post brings you comfort, as I will outline EVERY step of your new journey to help you know what to expect- and if it takes a couple of tries for you to actually arrive inside, know that I have been there too. It will be worth it when you do come, and I will celebrate that accomplishment with you!
First things first, signing up-
Read carefully through the class descriptions and choose what seems like the right fit. There are offerings for everyone there, and you will notice that every class also has a zoom option. If the first step in your journey is virtual, I celebrate that too (my first step was with Adriene in my living room). Once you choose which class you want to start with, find a date that works for you, and I don't just mean when you have free time. What I mean is choose a date that you won't be overwhelmed at work, and won't have to rush to or from class. Both of these usually end up being reasons that people say "I will just do it when I have more time". (Been there, said that).
Next, preparing for class-
To prepare for class, all you need to do is talk yourself up. Tell yourself you can. And remember, if it sucks- you never have to do it again. I promise I won't make you. Put on some comfortable athletic clothing (anything that your body can move easily in) and don't worry about shoes and socks- you won't need them! You also don't have to worry about buying or bringing anything specific with you- I have everything you will need! IF you do have a yoga mat that works for you, bring it along!
Be sure to plan enough time to get to the studio and into class with about 10 minutes to spare. It is really helpful to come in, get set up, and begin to ground your energy (which will probably be bananas) before class begins. When you get to the studio, you will park in front of the entrance with the BLUE DOOR. The door will be unlocked, and when you enter you will see the black door to your right, and you will probably smell burning candles or incense. There is a bench outside of the black door for you to sit down, remove your shoes, hang up your coat and bag, and then come in.
In the studio-
Find a place to roll out your mat, gather the props you will need for the day (I will be there to help), and have a seat or a lay down because you did it. You made it.
There are so many physical benefits to a regular yoga practice, but that's not what's the most amazing part of it- these practices, postures, and breathing techniques will help you in every portion of your life. I hope to see you soon- even if it takes canceling three or four times first!
love love love, peace peace peace